Funny being here, actually

On our little odyssey to share the mystery of long distance migrations of tattlers and tuk-tu and tenuous and stubborn top-of-the-world biota, and spirit wisdom, to simultaneously share and have the unnameable chance and privilege to share with Manny in all his little micro evolutions and many, nuanced day-to-day baby steps (thank you again, Rebecca). For all you Manny fans out there, know that Monsieur has, in the past few weeks: started crawling, says mama (according to Miss moose over here), shouts, and while reaching for independence (wants to grab stuff himself, gets irate if you help him) is realizing all his dependence on his parents and others (cries if you leave him alone...and cries if you don't). Yep, may the dialectic begin buddy, just fasten your seatbelt!

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