Salmon, olive oil, garlic, onion, celery, pepper, broccoli, carrots, tomato (raw)... and some pasta boiled in water from the glacier calving at the source of the North Klondike river. More of those gold traces, 2 be shared by all.
This past summer (2007) my partner and I took our newborn son to the Arctic Ocean, to the Inuvialuit town of Tuktoyaktuk, and gave him a pagan baptism in the Beaufort sea. Chalked it up as "research". 3500 miles of gunning a gas hog across the tundra, from Anchorage to Chicken to Dawson to Inuvik and back. Yowza!
Made w/ our GPS. It took us 11 days to reach TUK, then we meandered South again. Slowly.
People say we are destroying the environment. I beg to differ: I think we're destroying ourselves, and taking most of the environment with us. Example: Global warming is not the issue. Neither is 'biodiversity loss'. It's how we organize ourselves as a species that's the problem. Is our social reality sustainable? No, and here's why: smoke from a machine, 'development' and habitat loss, these are more the symptoms, the physical manifestations (or Entropy) of a deeper societal process which is to increase productivity and profit, i.e., to increase the concentration of power and energy in the hands of a few individuals - at everyone else's expense. Agree to change that imbalance of power, to modify the current power system and install a true democracy where power is shifted from the wallet back to the ballot, to be shared by all, and you will see a lot less smoke. Unknowingly perhaps, you will be agreeing to a sustainable world made of ecological, human societies - without anthropogenic climate change, without species loss. Without war? Onward thru the BS -- as in belief system.
'We are the environment. There is no distinction.' -David Suzuki
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